Aura and Chakras
“This is not a new religion, not a Messianic delirium, it is simply through direct communications from the spiritual world. The Medium T unfolds in the physical world and travels to the astral world. He uses his third eye and receives direct messages from the Astral in Portuguese language, then the Master sends the translation to Spanish. The spiritual brother assists us to deliver the message and stir spiritual consciences by teaching us a little more than what our earthly eyes do not see, thus help us on the path of spiritual evolution. “
Around 1983, if my memory does not fail me, I was part of many physical and spiritual brothers of a study center, whose main directors and at the same time our earthly guides were our uncles.
For me, these were the first formal steps in the difficult path of spiritual life. When I say formal steps, I mean many years before I saw and kept silent about things that other children just did not see. In this center, they explained to me that these images were real and that some saw them, and others did not.
For different reasons I stopped being part of that spiritual center, starting a long journey in life as we all do, forming a family, having a job, in short, the usual.
Up to here everything normal, everything controlled, one thinks that by leaving behind the spiritual life all the senses are closed forever, but now I am realizing that it is not like that, that they only fall asleep for a while and under certain circumstances, they are reborn again.
At present, as an old standard close to 60 years and my brother bordering 54 years old, with many barriers overcome, with a stable situation, this spiritual restlessness appears again, but no longer with the strength and beautiful innocence that youth gives you, but rather quiet and with another look.
The roads are very strange. No more than two months ago and as a result of a small inheritance, I began to have more contact with one of my earthly brothers (Brother J), with whom I saw seldomly for work reasons.
As it is normal after discussing technical data on effective possessions, paperwork, inscriptions and everything else, we inevitably asked about the uncles, friends of the youth who belonged to the spiritual center of which we were participants come forth: The “Spiritual Centre 2” of which were both part.
Conversing with my brother J a little bit, he often gave my opinion and then analyzing, he said: “Why did I say that? “If it is not what I thought, even about matters of effective possession and not spiritual matters.
Then repeated dreams appeared until I received a single communication but with enough effort, I noted that this was a type of channeling, where the idea comes to my brain and I write it quickly on a paper trying to make it as close to the idea as possible as the original. Time and experience help, I think it’s the same as driving.
These writings have been perfected in less than a year of delivery and are reflected in more than 800 sheets of direct messages from the astral plane. I must clarify that it arrives in Portuguese so that the mind of the channeling medium does not interfere with the message and then the spiritual master translates the message into Spanish.
I must give credit to my brother J for having the ability to unite criteria and physically send the message to the people.
The contribution in the day to day in constant form is what the spiritual world looks for and it has our sister Katherine Stehberg expressing her creativity, the work of dissemination and edition such as messages as in the stories of light sent by the master, sister of great spiritual strength.
This is not a new religion, not a messianic delirium, it is simply through direct communications from the spiritual world, the medium T unfolds from the physical plane to the astral plane receives the message in Portuguese and then the spiritual Master translates it into Spanish. The spiritual master assists us in delivering the message and stirring up spiritual consciences by teaching us a little more of what our earthly eyes do not see and thus help us on the path of spiritual evolution.
So far we are TWO but as the wise scriptures say: “When two men come together to talk about God, I will be with you.”
Is the physical body is important, they ask me?
Not only is important, but it is also key to our spiritual development.
Many books speak of the physical body wrongly, like the densest body, the grossest body, the body from which we must free ourselves, they practically call it a useless body, even many books say: “He freed himself from the flesh as if he came out of that hell”.
But think about the following:
Now if you ask me again: Is it convenient for this body to be healthy? Of course, and I explain why.
You have 2 bodies of physical matter, the first that is the one that you see every day in a mirror, and the other that is invisible to the human eye called by you “etheric double”.
The visible physical body is what the Creator gave you so that you develop spiritually and interact with other brothers.
The invisible physical body or etheric double allows you to take the energy of the universe and collect all the information of your present incarnation. When your physical body dies, your etheric double will quickly send all this information to your astral body.
The health of the visible physical body and the invisible physical body is vital to your evolution.
Why do you think that the Master Jesus healed physical bodies?
To demonstrate his power? Of course not, I taught you that a higher being shows no signs of power.
Jesus did it for many reasons, but one of them was for us to know the importance of having a healthy body, deprived of diseases.
In the astral plane diseases that appear as a result of age are not considered as such, but rather a normal wear of your physical vehicle.
On the other hand, if we consider diseases that one was caused by general carelessness, we all know that I am referring to tobacco, alcohol, or excess of food, being very brief because I will explain them in detail later.
All our bodies work together, for now, I will explain only seven of them.
The different bodies work the same as the gears of a clock, any of them that present a problem, will affect the others.
So now that you know how important the physical body is, I will give you some indications of how to take care of the physical body in order to advance in spiritual development.
“If you take care of your diet as you take care of your clothes, if you ask yourself if what is good for my body is good for my spirit, then you would take care of your diet as you take care of your clothes.”
Brother craftsman
We continue:
The body is the temple where, from the third month of gestation, your spirit is completely housed.
Live in prayer, meditate, study, everything your mind and heart do. It will have a positive effect on others and your body will receive those blessings.
Not only study but reflect on the knowledge you acquire, that greatly helps the physical body and the spiritual.
Eat healthily, use vegetables a lot, water, nature, balance your diet.
Start some exercise according to your age, among you, there are many who know about this but few who carry it out. Breathing, relaxation, deep sleep helps a lot.
Hygiene, but both physical and spiritual.
Love, forgive, hug, show your emotions. Finally do not think that in the astral plane we live on top of a tree and that we forget that in physical life, we live with money.
Therefore, do not be afraid to ask for your needs and that of your brothers, the negativity of money is in the mind of men. Money is one more vehicle among many that you will have to use in the physical world. When it is appropriate and if you allow me to talk about money and what the astral world thinks, you will be surprised.
And do not get frustrated by not having more than the brother who lives in front of you, you can also be happy with less.
This theme is born by a doubt that is presented to many in relation to the astral body.
As the function is not that you come out as experts in physical and astral anatomy, I will refer only to the main thing, and of course in a clear language.
Look at these similarities and at these differences between the physical body and the astral body:
The physical body has a skull and the astral body also has a skull.
The physical body has 2 physical ears and 2 ears, the astral body 2 astral ears and also 2 astral ears that are occupied in certain occasions because in the astral we do not communicate by sounds but through thought, for example, you listen to music, I feel the music. The brothers of the astral mentally form their ears so that those who come from your world do not see them as strangers, but do not need them.
The physical body has 2 physical eyes and the astral body only the astral eye that sees forward and backward is on your forehead. The same here, the beings of the astral form 2 eyes and also 2 ears, because if you get to the astral you would be frightened if you saw us with one eye and without ears.
The physical body has 1 oral cavity, the astral body 1 oral cavity. We do not use the mouth practically here in the astral, because we speak through the mind and we feed ourselves by absorbing energy through the head, feet, and hands.
The physical body has these glands, thyroid, pituitary, pineal, suprarenal, ovarian, testicular, hypothalamus and parathyroid, the astral body also has all these glands, but they fulfill another function that I will explain.
The physical body has 1 heart, the astral body also and located in the same sector, although some scholars in the astral say that it is slightly lower than in the physical body, but we are talking about minute measures.
The physical body has a stomach, as well as a large intestine for digestion and absorption and another smaller one to gather your waste, the astral body also has it, but later I will explain why it has it because here you do not need to eat as you do it on your physical plane.
The physical body has 2 kidneys, the astral body also.
The physical body has sexual organs, the astral body also, the difference is that here you do not need to occupy them, because remember that in the astral you feel with the mind.
It is known, that in lower planes beings have sexual relations because they still carry a lot of their earthly life, but … there are no pregnancies.
The physical body has blood, the astral body doesn´t, and I will explain why not, and the important relationship that this point has with the physical body. That is if the astral body has veins and arteries like the physical body.
The physical body has atoms, the astral body has 49 astral atoms for each physical atom with their respective electrons, protons, and neutrons, as well as for each astral atom there are 49 mental atoms but this will be a matter to review later.
The physical body has a liver and the astral body also has it.
I have given you only a small review because there are many organs, but here the important thing to know and that will answer many of your doubts is the following:
This was done by the Creator for your learning.
I will give you a very didactic example:
If you eat food with fat for years you will fill your liver with fat and will also form stones in your gallbladder. These are COMPLETELY PHYSICAL DISEASES, Now if you HATE strongly independent of the cause, YOU WILL ALSO SICKEN YOUR LIVER, because your astral liver is connected to your physical liver. The medical field will have the function of teaching you to protect your physical liver, instead, you will teach your siblings to take care of their emotions.
Let’s see another example:
In the astral world, we do not use the astral ears although we have because we communicate through our minds. But many mediums receive from the astral the direct physical voice of a brother, it is what you know as CLAIRAUDIENCE, which is the ability to hear voices or noises. Here a spirit of the astral occupies your astral ear and transmits this information to your physical ear.
You will understand better how this works and why the astral body has organs equal to yours, which fulfill the function of learning through diseases.
Let’s see the case of diabetes:
If you start on your physical plane to eat, gain weight, do not respect any dietary guidelines you will end up with diabetes because you got your pancreas sick.
But … there are many brothers who eat ordered, do not have hereditary factors of diabetes and still develop this disease. What is the cause? SADNESS AND LACK OF LOVE, this makes your astral pancreas that is the pancreas you feel, transmit this disease to your physical pancreas developing the disease. Not everything is fixed with drugs.
There are more than a hundred physical illnesses that have a spiritual basis, and now you know it.
The mechanism comes next. An emotion affects an organ of the astral body, this through the ETHERIC DOUBLE, it transmits it to the physical organ and there the illness takes place. This is not from one moment to another, previously passes through 5 stages.
I want dear brothers that you or those who come behind become experts, it is not about making a pass with your hands or putting fluids in a glass of water to heal. Spiritual healing is much more than that. In the physical plane, you can fail whenever in the spiritual you must be very sure of what you do.
If tomorrow you want to learn to heal a brother, with total security of what you do, I can guide you if you allow me.
As I was saying and taking up the subject of the astral body, every astral organ is related to its corresponding physical organ.
Even though there are corresponding organs, it is not necessary to defecate, or throw out nasal secretions, or perspire or even urinate, because we know that we do not need it because we do not eat like you, nor do we drink the liquid that you use.
Not so in the lower planes where they still have much of their land load, they vomit, defecate, urinate, and eliminate all types of debris that you can imagine. They still do not know that they do not need to do it.
Why do you think that in exorcisms the first thing that a demon does is defecate, urinate and vomit? but well this will go in detail when we talk about beings of the lower astral and possessions.
It does not have the blood as you know it, but he does have a fluid that circulates through all his veins, capillaries, and arteries of the astral body.
The physical blood carries information, the astral fluid or astral blood for you to understand also carries information. When someone dies bleeding, the information is interrupted, and you lose much of the experience gained in your current incarnation.
A suicide who cuts his veins and in 15 minutes all his blood out of the body, he loses a lot of information, because the etheric double transmits the information after death and it takes about 72 hours on average to deliver it all, this is what we talked about when we talked about cremation. Jehovah’s Witnesses do not get transfusions without knowing that the reason is the information lost by the spirit.
Death in accidents or suicides is not good for your spirit.
The astral fluid is soft blue, very similar to the stars that you see, it is intimately related to the physical blood. Most diseases of the blood are spiritual, like AIDS to name just one.
consider that each person has a different group of physical blood, you will ask yourself: Why?
In your plane the blood groups have been divided as follows:
Grupo AB Universal have very good communication with the astral
Group A good communication with the astral
Group B medium communication
Group O Rh negative is very dual, sometimes very bad communication with the astral and in others a surprising communication.
The astral fluid also has its “astral blood” groups, but remember it is not blood.
As you can see what I tell you is only a small varnish, of what is the astral body and of course its relationship with the physical body. If you need more information, ask for it, I will be very happy to deliver it.
Here in the astral, there are many doctors who dominate detail in detail all the functioning of the astral body and its diseases.
This subject that causes a tangle of magnitudes, even to the different guides that teach, is much simpler than it seems, and it is enough to explain it well.
Let’s start by saying that all living organisms emit luminous radiation. Humans, animals, even minerals.
And how can I not see this luminous radiation, the majority asks?
Because it is outside the visible range for human sight. But before a huge tangle of shapes and colors is formed, I explain the following:
There is a physical aura, that your physical body emits that with training you can see with your physical eyes.
There is an astral aura, which your astral body emits and that you can if you are a medium see with your astral sight, what you know as the third eye.
There is a mental aura, that your mental body emits and that you can see with the sight of the mental body.
It is important that you know that there are 7 first bodies and each one with its own aura, but since we have not yet entered into the study of the other bodies, I will only refer to the moment of the aura of the first 3 bodies, the physical, the astral and the mental.
As I said the aura is a luminosity emitted by different bodies. When someone tells you that he sees the aura or tells you that you have a certain aura color, he is only referring to the physical aura and does not need to be a medium, or anything similar, with some training you can also see it as I will show you.
Now if you want to see the astral aura, it´s a bit more complicated, because first you must unfold in the physical plane towards the astral and once in the astral you can see the aura of that brother, and if you want to see his mental aura, you must unfold in the Astral plane and go to the mental plane and with your view of the mental body you observe. Sounds like something much more complicated.
The astral aura shows us in a rapid way the true evolutionary state of the person. There are embodied all the incarnations. If someone ever tells you I saw your spiritual aura or the aura of your spirit, it is wrong, for that they must both unfold at the same time and look at each other with astral eyes in that world.
So what you can see in summary is the aura of the physical body. The aura of the physical body shows us the energy you have, of course, your health status, your emotions, and the spiritual development in your present incarnation.
Many brothers mistakenly think that seeing the aura is to get applause in a pleasant meeting. Others think they have a special power, but make no mistake, seeing the aura of a brother we are seeing his health and his emotions and if you are not going to help him you should NEVER have told him about your auric vision.
As I said the aura is a luminosity that comes out of our physical body and that the experts describe it as a light that is around the body and that has several colors.
Let’s see then what these colors mean so that tomorrow if you can see it, you can interpret it.
Before I wanted to show you that the aura surrounds the whole body luminously, but sometimes there are areas where the aura is broken, like a cut circuit. How can you know? When one of the parts of the body is very cold it means that in that sector the aura is broken.
This will help them if someone has the concern and asks them, it could also serve to guide someone who develops the ability to see the physical aura.
If yellow in the aura of a brother it should always be related to the intellect, wisdom, spiritual maturity. You will usually see this color surrounding the head. If this yellow looks very faint, indicates brain fatigue, and the same yellow but with some black or gray borders it indicates a brother who uses the intellect to generate damage in others, this is very common in black magicians.
If weak yellow with some leaden rays indicates poor memory and possibly Alzheimer’s. This chakra is related to the chakra 3 which is located in your solar plexus.
This brother has a lot of red but in less intensity.
I´ll give you an example:
A red aura if it gets angry could kill another brother, an orange aura if it gets angry, it would not reach that extreme.
The orange aura; always occultists have related it to problems in the urological and genital area. This color of aura is seen a lot in optimistic and overflowing people, you could say that it is a good color. It is related to the umbilical chakra.
It is the heart, it is the feeling. If you see a lot of pink in an aura, it indicates that it is a brother that is governed by emotions, rather than by the mind, which is not bad. Be careful not to lose your balance otherwise you will get heart disease. Some psychics have observed that before a heart attack, that brother had a pink color with black dots over the heart.
It is related to cardiac chakra.
THE GREEN COLOR IN THE AURA represents good health. Siblings with a predominantly green aura will always be given healthy food and natural life, but beware that the color green in abundance can show ENVY, JEALOUSY, or LIES. Now, if you do not have this limitation, you become very good friends.
This color indicates that the person in front of you is an advanced psychic, although you have never said it. But remember that a psychic can use his abilities for good as well as for evil. This color you will usually see on the forehead because it is related to the chakra called the third eye. They are educated, interesting and with very few friends. It is related to coronary chakra.
This color you will see very late in a human aura, if you came to see it you will notice that the one who has it has a very high degree of intuition.
These brothers suffer a lot because they are guided enormously by what they feel rather than by what they think. If they do not achieve balance, they can fall into suicide. They should always be with company.
Good color, in most artists you will find it, in everything that is art. They do not run for life and they hate watches. They are talking, no matter what the hours are. In your world they work much better if they are single, they do not like moorings, they are free. I like this aura color.
Many will think this is the best aura color.
Maybe, but this type of aura carries the sum of all the other colors, therefore this brother must always be prepared because both good and evil live in it. If a white aura is inclined to say it is a good color, but observe well here we have a very small general description of the aura and its colors. Developing the ability to see the aura is a great responsibility, because not only will you say this is how you are or have this disease, but that you should help.
The aura during the day changes color according to moods, but the color it represents is always maintained in greater quantity.
To meditate is to know ourselves, to meditate is to evolve, it is something that want you or not, your spirit will ask at some point in your current life or in a future one.
When you enter the study of meditation at first it will seem very difficult. It will seem that the way is infinitely extensive, overwhelming, you will want to stop.
You will be surprised to read a book by Sivananda, by Krishnamurti, or by the great Yogananda or the master Osho.
But beyond the advice that these masters give you, the important thing is that you do not lower your arms and do not pretend in an incarnation to reach their spiritual levels.
All these teachers, despite having their different points of view regarding meditation, agree on something and it is the following.
To meditate is needed as in all things, perseverance, discipline and certain knowledge.
Constancy and discipline is personal work.
I give the knowledge now.
There is certain knowledge that everyone who starts in the world of meditation should know and is the case of the energy centers that you know as chakras.
Although in more than one book you have been told that the body has seven chakras, the truth is that it has more than one hundred thousand, but this is very interesting, we are only going to mention it as a fact that you cannot find it in any other book. For this reason, we will focus on mentioning only seven of them. I will also use the word chakra and not the energy center to facilitate their understanding.
The chakras are disks or centers of energy that are SITUATED IN YOUR ASTRAL BODY, not in the physical as many mistakenly believe, and whose main function is to absorb the universal energy but also emit it to the outside. When looking at them from the front they look like the mouth of a tornado, when looking at it from the side it is a true tornado.
All turn like the laces of a watch, except for the CHAKRA ONE THAT ROTATES IN THE TWO SENSES and this is not told in other books. Each of these seven chakras has a different color than the authors relate to the color of the rainbow, ALTHOUGH THE REALITY IS ANOTHER.
For example, the forty-five thousand chakra has a color that you have never seen and neither have I. But let’s focus on the colors traditionally given to the chakras.
Let’s see some small data that otherwise should already know, but if not, I will be as short and clear as possible.
It is located at the base of the spine just between the anal and testicular or bulbar area if it is a woman.
Its color is red.
This chakra is located in the pubic zone of the human body, like a palm under your navel.
Its color is orange.
It is located right in your belly button.
Its color is yellow.
This chakra is located in the center of the chest, practically above the heart.
Its color is green.
It is located at the height of your throat.
Its color is blue.
This chakra is located on the forehead between your eyebrows.
Its color you call it indigo which is a variation of blue and you know it as violet.
This is located on the head, just in the area that doctors call earth fontanelle, the common language for the babies. Its color is white. White is the union of all colors, black is the absence of all colors.
Well at this time you have already learned about the color and location of each chakra in the body.
If a seer reads this study he will say this is all wrong because both the colors and the location can vary but in slight tones and not beyond one or two centimeters, but this psychic would be right.
Well, this description is made to carry out a systematic study of the chakras, remember that from one brother to another there are slight variations in the tone, but not the color completely, as well as there are small variations in the location of a chakra, but will never be the case that chakra one is over your head so that you can understand me.
This chakra also called by some the root chakra or the base chakra, we call it the genesis chakra … it is just that, the root, the base, where all our energy is based. A tree with weak roots does not grow; a tree without roots simply dries up, a man with this blocked chakra does not have his feet on the ground. The energy of this chakra is known as Kundalini, if you know how to master it, you can master the rest of the chakras. On the other hand, if you do not know how to master it, you could suffer a serious brain disorder. This chakra is vital because it connects the physical world, with the spiritual worlds.
Chakra two called by some authors splenic chakra, as I said located in the pubic area, is orange and has great sexual energy, is the attraction and how it relates to the human species. This chakra is life, reproduction, it is art, emotions, it is a joy. To the extent that the more you study, the more you will understand that each chakra is related to health. When a therapist wants to treat depression, he or she focuses a lot on this chakra.
This is a very special center, it is just over your navel, it is yellow and it is related specifically to your childhood traumas, fears, lack of self-esteem. Every brother who had a hard childhood, especially lacking in protection and love, should constantly stimulate and exercise this chakra. As the desire for the moment is to give small reviews, later we will give a detailed explanation of each of the chakras. This chakra most know it as umbilical.
Green color and commonly known as cardiac chakra, is the center of our emotions, it is love in its total manifestation and I do not mean only the love of a couple, they are sorrows and afflictions at the same time, it is the motor that drives every brother. There are brothers who have a heart of stone, a clairvoyant will see this brother’s chakra spinning very slowly and his strong green color can change to almost black. The seers suffer a lot because it costs to see something and to be indifferent.
It is blue, it is on our throat, later I will give you indications on which parts of the health it affects. This is the chakra of communication, of speech, of wanting to say, of being silent many times. It is communication and expression. Some cultures call it the woman’s chakra because women have always been characterized by being sociable and communicating with their species with great ease.
This is the violet or frontal chakra as you call it. I know it was famous years ago among the spirits because they said it was the third eye, even books were made about it. But for now, I can only tell you that it is also the chakra of intuition, of music, and of course of clairvoyance.
White and luminous chakra. It represents spirituality, light, knowledge. This chakra costs a lot to get to master it because for that you must let go of many of your bonds of this life and of other past ones.
In this first approach through these publications, you brothers have learned basic concepts about the chakras, their color, their location in the body and one other interesting detail such as:
There are seven chakras but more than one hundred thousand.
That the colors are not exactly the same as they are described in the books.
That to start on the path of meditation, you must jointly develop the functioning of the chakras.
Also, there are chakras that have colors that neither you nor I have ever seen.
I will also teach you to be careful with the eight chakra. BE CAREFUL, NEVER DEVELOP IT OR ALLOW SOMEONE TO INDUCE YOU TO DEVELOP IT, because this is the chakra that most of the beings of the lower astral develop, demons as you call them. The eight chakra is considered as diabolical in Islam.
I also want to give you interesting facts about the health of the physical body and the chakras, exercises to stimulate them, learn to unlock them. Study, ask, be attentive and we meet again.
In the physical world, you see with your physical eyes, in the astral world, you see with your astral sight.
The less evolved brother once disembodied will see practically everything as when he was in the physical world.
A moderately evolved brother will be able to observe many details that this other brother does not perceive.
The human Aura is completely physical, therefore you do not need to be a medium to see it, work, prayer, and meditation do wonders.
Now if we look at everything the other way around, the beings that are in the astral and have little evolution, practically do not see what happens in the physical world, the most evolved beings can distinguish much of what incarnated people do but respecting their privacy.
I will always speak to you clearly, if you go to the bathroom, no elevated spiritual being will go after you because it is your privacy, it will only be present in what you do in your daily life and in what you think.
Although the beings of the lower astral cannot see what happens on the physical plane, if the vibrations attract them and feel them with great force, like alcohol, tobacco, envy, hatred, bustle environments, discord certain plants such as cacti, hydrangeas or the carnation of the air among those who know more about you, the repeated lie. That is why it will always be good to take care of the environments of this negativity.
The astral is very complex, because being in a plane where thought and desires handle it, both incarnated, as disembodied, as well as psychics or mediums, if they are not prepared enough they will fall into the hallucinatory states of this world, they will not be able to distinguish if what they see is real or not.