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“This is not a new religion, it is not a messianic delirium, it is simply through a direct communication of the spiritual world, the Medium T unfolds in the physical world and travels to the astral world. He uses his third eye and receives Direct messages from the Astral plane in Portuguese (Because the Medium does not understand this language and thus will not interfere with his mind in the final message) and then the spiritual Master translates it into Spanish.The spiritual master assists us to deliver the message and stir spiritual consciences by teaching us a little more than what our earthly eyes see and help us on the path of spiritual evolution.”

Katherine Stehberg

Community Manager del sitio, estamos recién armando la comunidad del sitio pronto podrán comentar y hablar sobre temas espirituales con privacidad total, sus datos son confidenciales. Además, podrán interactuar, crear grupos de conversación y recibir información. Bienvenido al inicio de la comunidad geográfica virtual del universo.