Breaking News

A little about us

Hi there! I’m the website´s community manager, Katherine Stehberg.

I´m glad to share with you communications that we receive from the astral world. We are a team of 3 earthly beings (Medium T, Brother J and me) managing the community of more than 10.000 registered users growing each day.

Let me share a special fact…. more than 10.000 registered users on the spanish version and less than 20 comments in our website after a year? Planet earth reads our messages in silence…and we respect that…actually…we feel very relieved that we don´t have to answer thousand reply messages and even more, I share these Communications on Linkedin and there more than 9.000 followers also read silently….

This is not a new religion, neither a messianic delirium. We are simply sharing the communications received by a very effective medium that we call Medium T in Chile, he travels to the astral plane and delivers the message quickly. We share with you communications and books, with information that doesn´t stop amazing us. Words of Wisdom that change our lives and improve our daily life and understanding of what there is beyond what our earthly eyes can see.

We are very concerned about planet earth and its energy level, which is medium-low, our mission is to awaken interest on spitirual matters and increase positive energy sharing amongst all those who are interested.

We feel blessed and grateful for this life mission and to be close to these beings of light which acompany us, personally, I have always been reading spiritual books and when I came across brother J at a school where I was teaching english and he was carrying pages and pages of written material …. when I read them I knew I was in front of something from out of this world and I asked him, where did you get this material????…. more than 800 pages!! and months later more than 1500!!!

I told myself that I wouldn´t mind being called crazy, had no fear of loosing my job for this and spent months editing the material which is mostly published on Amazon.

We are careful on how we share this and we are not going to spam you with BUY NOW and INCREDIBLE OFFERS, we personally do not want to create that atmosphere around the material as we have seen how other mediums lose the connection when their egos grow. We prefer to remain humble and simple and spend the money fundraised, which for now has been very little to pay the website maintenance costs and to grow the community.

I would like to say thank you, thank you and again thank you.

If you are reading this it´s not a coincidence, it´s sinchronicity.

So, will see you around!

Katherine Stehberg

Community Manager del sitio, estamos recién armando la comunidad del sitio pronto podrán comentar y hablar sobre temas espirituales con privacidad total, sus datos son confidenciales. Además, podrán interactuar, crear grupos de conversación y recibir información. Bienvenido al inicio de la comunidad geográfica virtual del universo.