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The wheel of reincarnation is one of the great wonders of the Creator. In the astral plane, as nothing is left to chance, the spirits return to the earth again and again under two different situations.

There are spirits that during their stay on earth, always sensed or simply had the certainty that they existed in past lives. When this spirit leaves its physical envelope and believed in life after death, it will arrive as a CONSCIOUS SPIRIT on the astral plane, which will allow it to program its next incarnation, for example, it may participate in the election of parents, brothers, friends or the principal people who will surround you, but it is also important to know that this process will not be carried out by just one, because there are brothers who supervise us at all times and that, of course, intervene in our request. If we see it from a very objective point of view, one chooses half of those who will accompany us in a new life and the other half is chosen for you. When choosing your half it is not that you have a special privilege, but that you have earned it, it is your effort, it is the beauty of the spiritual life, you earn everything.

On the other hand, there are the spirits that died without even thinking that there was another life, these are the so-called UNCONSCIOUS SPIRITS that also need to incarnate, but having no awareness of their status, there are brothers in charge of bringing them to earth in learning conditions. This is done by evolutionarily advanced brothers, you call them angels. Remember that any spirit of this type can reach your next life or has already arrived because you choose but not everything.

Everything you have not been able to heal in other lives will cause serious injuries in your current life.

Katherine Stehberg

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